Archive | Creatology

Creatology Dollhouse with Veranda Directions

Creatology Dollhouse with Veranda Pictorial Instructions

Ever since writing the first post on the Creatology dollhouse, I find my blog getting quite a few hits from the search engine from people who were looking for the instructions. Since I didn’t actually have instructions, I thought it would be useful to put some pictorial directions/tips together as I was assembling a new […]

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Creatology Dollhouse w/ Veranda Fully Assembled

Creatology Dollhouse Considerations

Remember that Creatology Dollhouse I wrote about last summer? Nothing has been done with it since that last post (else I’d write about it, right?) and it’s currently being used as a tiny shelf in my workshop space. You can actually see it here, LOL. I am at the point where I am seriously considering finishing it […]

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