I just want to apologize to anyone who was reading my blog for the lack of updates. Family obligations (nothing bad) just happened to get in the way of updating this blog as well as working on my dollhouse. I also know (and some of my readers know) that I have a habit of starting […]
Archive | Site News

Happy New Years!
January 1, 2010 0
I just want to do a quick post to wish everyone a very happy new years! Stay safe everyone!
Website Updates
December 28, 2009 0
If you haven’t already guessed, the site design is still unfinished. I was just too excited after getting the kit that I needed to start this site right away to document everything. So the general design (among other things) are left in a state of disarray. Also, if you are wondering, I am using WordPress […]
Hello Miniature World!
December 14, 2009
My name is Ann and I’ve finally decided to take the plunge to buy a dollhouse kit, build it, furnish it, and then start all over again. I am a total novice in regards to dollhouses and miniatures, but I have always been fascinated by it as child. It still fascinates me now! As someone […]