I just want to wish everyone a Happy Halloween! I know I haven’t been posting, but it’ll change very soon, I promise!

I just want to wish everyone a Happy Halloween! I know I haven’t been posting, but it’ll change very soon, I promise!
My last post was on October 1st. Since then, I’ve been busy with two different web design projects, had problems with the server that amazingminiatures.com was on so I had to move it to a new one, and I had TWO weddings to go to; one was two states away. With so much going on, […]
Problems with the Server: So my site was down for some time due to problems with the hosting provider JustHost.com. Its funny because about 6 months ago, I moved this site from another unreliable host (LunarPages.com) thinking that this would solve the problems. And I chose JustHost based on their guarantees, price, and reviews. But […]
Snapped this picture a while ago of my workspace in the dining room. I’m sure you can pick out a few items from previous posts and projects. I had since moved down to the basement due to my family complaining about my minis taking over. I’ve been getting fairly comfortable down there. But it had rained […]
I feature and link to various miniaturists on this blog and do not claim their work as mine. I will explicitly let you know who's work it is and give credit where its due by linking to their websites.
If your art has been featured here and you want it removed or edited, please let me know.