I’ve been away this past weekend and now I am in the process of playing catch up to a bunch of work. In the meantime, I just wanted to show you a sneak peek of some of the little projects I’ve been working on. To the left is some poorly sketched plans. Its not to […]
Archive | Projects
Creatology Dollhouse with Veranda Pictorial Instructions
Ever since writing the first post on the Creatology dollhouse, I find my blog getting quite a few hits from the search engine from people who were looking for the instructions. Since I didn’t actually have instructions, I thought it would be useful to put some pictorial directions/tips together as I was assembling a new […]
Custom Miniature Artwork Framing
I get good amount of inquiries for custom miniature frames and framing projects from Etsy through the made-to-order miniature frames I listed. Then in early January, I got a huge custom order and I thought I hit the mother load! As usual. I was wrong. 🙁 A general mini-framing job can be done quick and easy, but the sheer […]
Creatology Dollhouse Considerations
Remember that Creatology Dollhouse I wrote about last summer? Nothing has been done with it since that last post (else I’d write about it, right?) and it’s currently being used as a tiny shelf in my workshop space. You can actually see it here, LOL. I am at the point where I am seriously considering finishing it […]
I Got a Fancy New…
How do you like my new purse? … or its it!? It’s really a fancy cookie box from S. Korea or Taiwan. I’am actually not sure where as the origin is not marked on the box and I can’t read the writing (whatever it is). Some distant relatives visited from somewhere (I’m not even sure where […]