Archive | Furniture

Halfscale modern fireplace in progress

More Half Scale Fireplace Fun!

Emboldened by my success from yesterday’s country fireplace, I decided to make another one (since I bought a second Creatology Dollhouse with Veranda). This time, I wanted to create a more modern one, since I’ll be decorating it contemporary-ish. This fireplace is actually based off the slate fireplace in my house. After the trial and […]

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Starting on my halfscale country fireplace

Half Scale Fireplace Fun

Remember that Creatology Dollhouse with Veranda? Well, I’ve decided to make it into a country cottage of some sort. I also had a big chunk of Sculpey III sitting around and wanted to sculp something so why not start with something easy, like a earthy country fireplace! I used various tools to sculp and texture […]

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