Miniature Foods Made by

Belated Thank Yous For My Mini Gifts!

I am really horrible at these things. I have photos ready and the entry half written, but it doesn’t get finished and posted until weeks later! *annoyed at self* I really need to improve on this!


My first big thanks goes to Cindy a.k.a. Snowfern Clover the winner of the VIKA desk giveaway I held last month. She emailed me asking for my address to send a ‘thank you’ gift, but mentioned to me that “I hope you’re not expecting much.” Honestly, anything from her would have been awesome… but…

Miniature Foods Made by

Imagine my surprise when her package came. I’m just amazed. Speechless really. I know I’ve been gushing all over her comments section about how awesome her work is… but wow. It’s like I won the lottery or something! 😀

Miniature Foods Made by

Mini foods are ridiculously fun to photograph as well. Seriously, look… a mini plastic food container… my mind boggles!

So a huge thank you Cindy, from the bottom of my heart! See her Etsy and Zibbet shops!

The next person to thank is one of my favorite people, Anna-Maria, a.k.a. the Shopping Sherpa. We had a mini swap last year and I’ve only just got around to writing this.. (I suck, I know!)

Shag rug made by

I’m sure you’ve seen this shag rug before. I use it on just about all of my photos. Frankly, I can’t live without it. Thanks so much AMCS! It’s going into my Nyne (eventually!).

Speaking of which, I had totally forgot about working on a February swap with the the Shopping Sherpa… I gotta get on that ASAP!

Thank you Cindy and Anna-Maria for being awesome!

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6 Responses to Belated Thank Yous For My Mini Gifts!

  1. Lyssa April 12, 2011 at 11:00 am #

    Holy Cow! I’ve talked to Cindy in chat before and I’ve seen her blog, but I don’t think I have ever taken the time to *look* at her stuff. (I’m off to do that now) Those subs are making me drool!!!

  2. The Shopping Sherpa April 12, 2011 at 4:07 pm #

    Cindy does amazing stuff! Lucky you.

    And, to make you feel worse, your swap parcel hit the post yesterday ;-P

    • Amazing Miniatures April 12, 2011 at 5:23 pm #

      Uhhhh ohh… I’m in trouble.. lol.. I’m going to have to hustle over the weekend!

  3. rechercher April 13, 2011 at 1:30 pm #

    Those mini food containers are amazing, I wonder what they were originally intended for?

    • Ann April 15, 2011 at 2:38 pm #

      I think she made them specifically for the mini foods. Do check out her blog, I think she included a short tutorial on how to (or she linked to one).

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