silver miniatures by Pete Acquisto

Spectacular Silver Miniatures by Pete Acquisto

Wine Stand by Pete Acquisto

Zomg, the details!

I’m not entirely sure how I stumbled on Peter Acquisto’s site, but I was mesmerized by his exquisite silver miniatures.

From reading his artist bio and looking at the images, you can see that he is indeed very talented. His work can be seen in museums!

The only problem I see is that his items are pretty expensive, and rightly so! A poor smuck like myself who is just starting out with miniatures can’t afford it (*glum). I guess I should start working on that Marry-a-rich-doctor plan now!

Miniature Silver English Tray by Peter Acquisto


One Response to Spectacular Silver Miniatures by Pete Acquisto

  1. Marsha Smith August 11, 2012 at 9:48 pm #


    Came across your blog. Check out Harry Smith’s web site.

    Have fun with your blog and miniatures!!

    Marsha Smith

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